This post will be dedicated to the development of custom web applications with the help of Symfony 3, a powerful framework widely used for the development of management tools for small and medium enterprises
But… What is a Framework?
In general terms, a framework is a standardized set of concepts, practices and criteria focused on a particular type of problem, which serves as a reference to face and solve new problems of a similar nature. In our case, it applies to the world of software development and engineering.
And… What is Symfony 3?
We could say that Symfony 3 is a set of tools that allow programmers to optimize development time and provide greater security to their applications, benefiting the customer in reducing time, but without influencing the final result.
The profitability of a custom development based on Symfony 3 is up to 3 times higher than with traditional programming.
Experience has taught us that our customers are pleasantly satisfied by the great potential that these tools offer. Facilitating the management of data that we deal with every day, such as customers, orders, invoices, etc.
At Offing we study and analyze the needs of our clients and develop customized applications that adapt to each business model.
What are the main advantages of Symfony 3?
- Security
- Scalability
- Reduced development time
I hope this post will help you to choose a tool for the development of a web application to facilitate the most common day-to-day tasks in your company.